
Real progress happens when knowledge and structure meet the heart-led efforts of those dedicated to change.

Compassionate Systems Leadership (CSL) is an approach to leadership that explicitly builds skills and practices in three interconnected domains: self (building a practice of personal reflection, mindfulness and compassion), each other (building authentic relationships that can support generative conversations), and the system (developing skills and capabilities to use tools that honour the complexity of the work that needs to be done).

CSL draws on practices that are similar to those that have proven effective in promoting well-being and supporting social and emotional development. This includes the strengthening of interpersonal relationships, while deepening the understanding of how the system can perpetuate, rather than diminish, stress in the workplace. CSL can shift us away from the continuous cycle of doing what we can to take care of ourselves — a structure that does not take care of the health and well-being of the people within it.


The foundation of CSL is a continuous practice of mindfulness and reflection. It draws on the premise that increasing the awareness of ourselves as leaders — our values, beliefs, passions, and challenges — allows us to become more aware of how we are “showing up” at work every day, and how our behaviour and approach may impact those around us. CSL uses simple tools to build this awareness, encouraging a practice of personal mindfulness meditation (the deep skill of pausing, understanding our emotions and thoughts, and responding from a place of clarity), and regular reflective journaling.


The CSL process also introduces practices that facilitate awareness as well as deeper, more authentic, and trusting relationships amongst groups of colleagues — these are essential to more courageous systems work. The CSL approach also supports a curiosity of more transformative conversations, taking us beyond our existing ways of thinking and problem solving, into an aspirational approach that can encourage more innovative and creation solutions.


The Core Concepts of systems thinking that are included in the CSL framework provide a broad set of tools for viewing the challenges and opportunities faced by child-serving systems. CSL incorporates a series of practices and concepts that promote understanding from multiple perspectives, deepen knowledge about systemic behaviour, and identify the patterns that lead to the same frustrating outcomes (a continuous cycle of powerlessness).

The Foundations of CSL

The CSL framework we are developing in BC is a compilation of the work of many others. It is connected to the work of Peter Senge and Mette Boell at the Center for Systems Awareness at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Through the Center, a global community for systemic change in education is developing. In BC, we have also integrated an approach to “cultivating compassion” developed at Stanford University and the Cultivating Compassion Institute in California. We are grateful to be able to draw on tools and methods developed by Otto Scharmer (Theory U), Robert Fritz (Creative Tension), and others. View these resources and more on our Resources Page.

Core Concepts of Compassionate Systems Leadership

Explore the core concepts within the CSL framework’s three interconnected areas—personal mastery (SELF), reflective interactions (EACH OTHER), and systems thinking (SYSTEM)—to deepen your understanding and drive systems change.

Our Mission

Through the BC Compassionate Systems Leadership Network we are applying this framework with child and youth-serving professionals in BC. Our discussions and emergent practice focus on collaborative learning. We are grounded in the idea that “we are the system,” that what we each do — individually and collectively — is an essential contribution toward meaningful and effective systemic change. We also believe in a common commitment to approach the work ahead of us with an intention toward kindness and compassion — cultivating compassion for ourselves and those we connect with every day is an essential foundation for the transformation that we seek. Find out more about the BC CSL Network and our team on our About page. 

Upcoming Events and Workshops

Core Concepts
Growing Capacity
February 2025
Growing Capacity

We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Education and Child Care.

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